Draft Pupil Drug and Alcohol Policy
Date policy last reviewed: |
November 2021 |
- Legal framework
- Roles and responsibilities
- Definitions
- Staff training
- The curriculum
- Smoking
- Legal drugs and prescribed medicines
- Solvents
- Pupils found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol
- Medical emergencies
- Threatening behaviour
- Searching
- Controlled substances
- Safeguarding
- Child criminal exploitation (CCE)
- Managing incidents
- Monitoring and review
- Unauthorised Drug Use Reporting Form
- Medical Emergency Procedure
- Drug Related Incident Response Flowchart
Park High School takes a zero-tolerance approach to the misuse of drugs and alcohol on our premises. This policy has been developed in conjunction with DfE guidance to ensure that everyone is aware of the risks posed by the misuse of drugs and alcohol.
We are committed to:
- Upholding the Health and Safety Policy already in place at the school.
- Providing a safe and healthy environment for the school community.
- Providing a robust policy which outlines our zero-tolerance approach to drugs and alcohol misuse.
- Developing and improving the policy by reviewing it after any incident.
- Educating pupils on the dangers of drug and alcohol misuse.
This policy has due regard to all relevant legislation and guidance including, but not limited to, the following:
- Children and Families Act 2014
- Education Act 2011
- Health Act 2006
- DfE (2021) ‘Keeping children safe in education (2020)’
- DfE (2018) ‘Mental health and behaviour in schools’
This policy operates in conjunction with the following school policies:
- Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
- Health and Safety Policy
- PSHE Policy
- Administering Medication Policy
- COSHH Policy
- Sharps Policy
- Behavioural Policy
- Positive Handling Policy
- Smoke-Free Policy
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy
- Exclusion Policy
- Secondary School RSE and Health Education Policy
The governing board is responsible for:
- Ensuring that effective policies and procedures are in place to make sure that pupils are kept safe from alcohol and drugs at school.
- Ensuring that this policy is maintained and disseminated to all relevant stakeholders.
- Ensuring that pupils experiencing difficulties with alcohol and/or drugs can access the support they need.
- Working with the headteacher, and in liaison with staff, parents, pupils, health and other professionals, to ensure that the drug and alcohol curriculum addresses the needs of pupils and the local community, and reflects current trends.
- Ensuring that the designated safeguarding governor submits an annual written report to the governing board concerning drug and alcohol related incidents and concerns.
The headteacher is responsible for:
- The day-to-day management of this policy.
- Providing a safe environment for all members of the school community.
- Working with governors to ensure compliance with relevant legislation.
- Informing the governing board, via the designated safeguarding governor, of any issues and developments concerning drugs and alcohol.
- Acting on any concerns arising from pupils’ use of drugs and alcohol.
- Informing parents of any drug and alcohol related incidents concerning their child where appropriate and where doing so will not place the child at risk.
- Inviting the local police and drugs team into school to raise awareness of the risks and issues associated with drugs.
- Informing the police of any drug or alcohol related decision, where they deem it appropriate to do so.
- Ensuring a consistent approach to managing drug and alcohol incidents.
The DSL is responsible for:
- Ensuring that staff have the skills to teach and discuss issues relating to drugs and alcohol.
- Ensuring that pupils experiencing difficulties with drugs or alcohol are provided with appropriate internal support and referred to external support agencies as appropriate.
- Consulting with pupils to inform provision around drugs and alcohol education.
- Accessing appropriate training to enable them to successfully advise the school on drug and alcohol matters.
- Liaising with local services as necessary to provide support for pupils.
- Assisting with the monitoring and review of this policy.
Pupils are responsible for:
- Ensuring they do not bring illegal or prohibited drugs or alcohol onto school premises or whilst engaged in any offsite activity representing the school.
- Ensuring they do not take drugs or consume alcohol whilst travelling to or from school or at any time whilst wearing the school uniform.
- Contributing to the development of this policy by providing feedback on the effectiveness of the drugs and alcohol education provided, and on how incidents are managed.
All staff (both teaching and support staff) are responsible for:
- Attending scheduled training concerning drugs and alcohol, including how to spot the signs and symptoms of use and dependency, identifying paraphernalia and how to respond to a drug related incident.
- Reporting concerns regarding pupils’ use of drugs and alcohol to the DSL.
The site manager is responsible for:
- Regularly checking the school premises for signs of drug and alcohol use and reporting any concerns to the DSL.
- Adhering to the Sharps Policy at all times when handling needles found on school premises.
External agencies are responsible for supporting the school with drug and alcohol issues as required.
For the purposes of this policy, a “drug” is defined as any substance which, when ingested, alters perception and the way the body works. This definition includes but is not limited to:
- All illegal substances
- Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Solvents
- Medicines
- Legal highs
We recognise that early intervention can prevent drug misuse. As such, all staff will receive training in identifying pupils who may be at risk annually, at the start of each academic year.
Staff will receive formal training during their induction and will receive regular and ongoing training as part of their professional development.
All pupils will receive regular guidance on drugs and alcohol as part of the RSE and health education curriculum, in line with the Secondary School RSE and Health Education Policy.
Lessons will be delivered as appropriate to the age and phase of the pupils and will be differentiated according to individual learning styles.
Drugs and alcohol will feature regularly as part of pastoral education in the form of classes and assemblies. Where appropriate, visitors and external speakers will lead classes on drug and alcohol misuse.
In accordance with part 1 of the Health Act 2006 and the school’s Smoke-Free Policy, the school is a smoke free environment. This includes all buildings, out-buildings, playgrounds, playing fields and sheltered areas.
Parents, visitors and staff must not smoke on school grounds and must avoid smoking in front of pupils and/or encouraging pupils to smoke.
Pupils, are not permitted to bring smoking or nicotine products onto the premises. This includes, but is not limited to, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, lighters, matches and pipes.
In the interest of health and hygiene, smoking will not be permitted around the school gates.
We understand that some pupils may require medications that have been prescribed by a doctor or other health professional. Parents have the primary responsibility for their child’s health and should provide the school with all relevant information about their child’s medical condition.
Medicines should only be brought onto the premises if it would be detrimental to the child’s health if medicines were not administered during their time at the school.
The school will only accept medicines which have been prescribed by a doctor, dentist, nurse or pharmacist, with the exception of over-the-counter painkillers, e.g. paracetamol, which may be taken in moderation.
Medicines must be provided in the original container as dispensed and must include the prescriber’s instructions for administration and dosage.
Further guidance can be found in the school’s Administering Medication Policy.
Pupils are not permitted to bring solvent-based products onto the premises including, but not limited to, aerosol deodorants, compressed air and aerosol hairspray.
The school will ensure that potentially hazardous solvents are stored safely, and pupils will be supervised if they are required to come into contact with them. More information can be found in our COSHH Policy.
Unless it is a medical emergency, or where there is aggressive or threatening behaviour, pupils found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol whilst on school premises will be removed from class and escorted to reception where they will be assessed.
The pupil’s parent will be contacted and asked to remove the pupil from the premises. The pupil will remain in the designated reception area until their parent arrives.
If necessary, a search will be conducted in line with the Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy.
If necessary, a breathalyser test will be administered by an appropriately trained member of staff. Any pupil refusing a breathalyser test will be considered to have consumed alcohol and will be treated in the same manner as a pupil who has a registered a positive result, in line with section 16 of this policy.
In drug or alcohol related medical emergencies, trained first aiders will be summoned. A staff member will remain with the casualty until the trained first aider arrives. Other pupils will be removed from the immediate area as soon as is reasonably practicable.
Following assessment by the first aider, a decision will be made as to whether an ambulance will be called. The pupil’s parents will be telephoned and told about the incident.
An incident sheet will be completed.
If the pupil is felt to be at risk, the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy will come into effect and social services will be contacted.
All accidents and incidents, including near misses or dangerous occurrences, will be reported to the HSE as soon as possible following the school’s Health and Safety Policy. The Medical Emergency Procedure will be followed at all times.
Aggressive and threatening behaviour by pupils under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be taken very seriously. Where aggressive and/or threatening behaviour is displayed, the school will not hesitate to contact the police.
Any pupil displaying aggressive and/or threatening behaviour will be removed from the premises. If a pupil displays this kind of behaviour, their parents will be contacted and sanctions will be implemented in line with the school’s Behavioural Policy.
Staff members may use common law to search pupils for any item with their consent. All searches will be conducted in line with the Searching, Screening and Confiscation Policy. Staff members may ask any pupil to turn out their pockets and staff may search any pupil’s backpack or locker.
Under part 2, section 2 of the Education Act 2011, teachers are authorised by the headteacher to search for any prohibited item including, but not limited to, tobacco, cigarette papers, illegal drugs and alcohol, without the consent of the pupil if they have reasonable grounds for suspecting that the pupil is in possession of a prohibited item. Any staff member, except for security staff, may refuse to conduct a search.
Staff members may require a pupil to remove outer clothing including hats, scarves, boots, coats and scarves. Pupils’ possessions will only be searched in the presence of the pupil and another member of staff unless there is a risk that serious harm will be caused to a person if the search is not conducted immediately, and where it is not practicable to summon another member of staff.
Searches will be conducted by a same-sex member of staff with another same-sex staff member as a witness, unless there is a risk that serious harm will be caused to a person if the search is not conducted immediately, and where it is not practicable to summon another member of staff.
Staff members may use such force as is reasonable given the circumstances when conducting a search for alcohol, illegal drugs or tobacco products. Staff will consider the additional needs of pupils with SEND before using reasonable force. Staff will adhere to the Positive Handling Policy when carrying out searches.
A staff member carrying out the search can confiscate anything they have reasonable grounds for suspecting is a prohibited item. This includes “legal highs” and other potentially harmful materials which cannot immediately be identified.
The school has a zero-tolerance policy on illegal drugs.
Following the identification and confiscation of a controlled substance, a staff member will seal the sample in a plastic bag and include details of the date and time of the confiscation alongside the name of any witness(es) present. The staff member will store the sample in a secure location.
The incident will be reported immediately to the police who will collect the sample and then deal with it in line with agreed protocols. The school will not hesitate in giving the police the name of the pupil from whom the drugs were taken.
A full incident report will be completed and submitted to the headteacher.
Any further measures will be undertaken in line with the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.
Where controlled substances are found on school trips away from the school premises, the parents of the pupil, as well as local police, will be notified.
The school understands that the misuse of drugs and alcohol can often be a sign of underlying issues.
All staff are aware that behaviours linked to issues such as drug taking and alcohol abuse put pupils in danger. Staff will be particularly alert to the potential need for early help for a pupil who is misusing drugs or alcohol.
Pupils experiencing difficulties with drugs or alcohol will be provided with appropriate internal support and referred to external support agencies as appropriate. Support will be arranged and offered to pupils in line with the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy.
CCE is where an individual or group takes advantage of an imbalance of power to coerce, control, manipulate or deceive a child into any criminal activity in exchange for something the victim needs or wants and/or for the financial advantage of the perpetrator or facilitator and/or through violence or threats of violence. CCE can include children being forced to work in cannabis factories and being coerced into moving drugs across the country (known as county lines).
Staff will be made aware of the following potential indicators of CCE:
- Pupils who appear with unexplained gifts or new possessions
- Pupils who associate with other young people involved in exploitation
- Pupils who suffer from changes in emotional wellbeing
- Pupils who misuse drugs and alcohol
- Pupils who regularly miss school
Staff will be alert to the indicators above and all concerns relating to CCE will be managed in line with the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.
Instances of pupils being involved in drug and/or alcohol incidents will be managed in line with the relevant school policies, including the Behavioural Policy, Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, and the Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Policy.
Following an incident, the headteacher will work with key members of staff, including the DSL, to decide on the most appropriate course of action to take. This action may include sanctions being enforced in line with the Behavioural Policy and informing the police. The headteacher will also be responsible for deciding if it would be appropriate to exclude the pupil, following the provisions outlined in the school’s Exclusion Policy.
Support will be arranged for pupils involved in any alcohol or drug-related incidents, in line with relevant school policies.
Students who are caught in possession or taking drugs or alcohol on the way to school, on the school site or on the way home for school will be referred to the Governor Student Behaviour Panel.
This will lead to an immediate fixed term penalty and time in turning point. Students and parents will have to sign a contract with governors with agreed targets, including regular searches of students property by a member of SLT and students will be offered support.
A further offence would be referred to the Governor Behaviour Panel for permanent exclusion.
Students who are found selling or distributing drugs or alcohol will be referred to governors for permanent exclusion.
This policy will be reviewed annually by the headteacher in liaison with the Behaviour Lead. The next schedule review date is October 2021
Unauthorised Drug Use Reporting Form
When a pupil is at immediate risk of harm, is unconscious, having trouble breathing, seriously confused or disorientated, or has taken a toxic substance, follow the procedure below.
Remember, your main responsibility is for the pupil at immediate risk, but you must also ensure the wellbeing and safety of all others. If in doubt, call for medical assistance.
Step one – on arrival
If you are not a trained first aider:
- Immediately call for a trained first aider
- Remain with the pupil until the first aider arrives
- Assist with clearing the area once the first aider has arrived
If you are a trained first aider:
- Assess the situation
- If it is a medical emergency, send for medical help and an ambulance
Step two – before medical assistance arrives
If the person is conscious:
- Ask those around you to move back and provide adequate space
- Ask them what happened
- Ask them what drugs they have taken
- Safely collect any drug sample and vomit for medical analysis
- Keep them under observation in a warm and quiet place
Do not:
- Induce vomiting
- Chase them
If the person is unconscious:
- Ask those around you to move back and provide adequate space
- Contact their parents
Do not:
- Move them if a fall is likely to have led to a spinal or other serious injury
- Give them anything by mouth
- Attempt to make them sit or stand
- Leave them unattended or in the charge of a pupil
If it is a needle stick (sharp) injury:
- Follow the Sharps Policy at all times
- Encourage the wound to bleed
- Wash the wound with soap and water
- Dry and apply a waterproof dressing
- If the needle appears used or dirty, seek advice from a doctor
- Suck the wound
- Handle the needle
Step three – when help arrives
- Pass on any available information, including vomit and drug samples
- Complete an Unauthorised Drug Use Report Form
Drug Related Incident Response Flowchart