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PD Day 4

Friday 28th June was the hive of activity for our 4th PD Day of the year!

Year 7 celebrated completing their Gold Pennine Champions Award by visiting Blackpool Zoo. Year 7s explored the zoo with their form tutors looking at lots of endangered species, this linked with the project work they carried out before Christmas!



Year 8 focused on supporting the local community with various visits going out throughout the day. Our students who are involved in Mrs Pearson's fluency group had the opportunity to show off their reading progress by reading to Laneshaw Bridge primary students, well done to all of those students who showed real confidence at this visit (it's certainly not easy reading aloud to an audience!)

Other groups also helping clean up the local area by volunteering to litter pick in the surrounding areas of school! Mr Heath also took students down to Colne Youth Action Group centre on Byron road where students had a taste of what is on offer down at the centre for children outside of school time. Some activities involved pool, table tennis, team building games!

A big shout out to the final group of students who helped support Pendle Council in maintaining the nature reserve at Ball Grove park, students worked hard by cutting back overgrown bushes and helped to clear footpaths for the public!







Year 10 who are preparing to move into their final year at Park had a careers day. Students moved round on a carousel of sessions led by visitors from various companies and industries. This was a real success as students could ask questions about career choices which will help inform their post- 16 choices in September. Thank you to all the visitors that took time out to come in and support our students on Friday with their interesting workshops!

Another fantastic PD Day for all of those involved, well done to all students who were a credit to the school. We look forward to the next PD Day on Friday 12th July.