Headteacher's Blog

This week has been a wonderful busy, vibrant week.
Firstly, I want to say a massive thank you to all parents that filled in our recent questionnaire. Your opinions are so important to us and in response to your feedback we have streamlined our communication channels to make them more effective. All information can be found on Parents@Park. We have also had a busy week collecting the opinions of our students in our continuous efforts to make the Park family the best it can be, and we will be feeding back to students through assemblies and form time.
I have thoroughly enjoyed the new students tours that have taken place this week and hope that they have given families a real insight into a typical day at Park. You will be aware that our virtual open evening launched this week, and although we all would have loved this to be face to face there is one silver lining - everyone can access and enjoy it! If you have not already accessed this area of the website I urge you to do so, our children really are true ambassadors for Park.
Our sports teams continue to make us proud by performing to the best of their abilities, showing team spirit and sportsmanship. In fact our boys football teams remain undefeated in the Pendle leagues after winning all their fixtures against Primet this week. The sports theme continues next week with the first of our Inter House events. Students will be representing their Houses in Inter House Cross Country....so all that remains to be said is,
...."May the best House win!!!"